NEW! The Bahamas: “States parties in focus” blog

The Convention against Torture Initiative (CTI) has the pleasure to announce the release the latest blog in the “States parties in focus” series, focusing on The Commonwealth of the Bahamas’ experience in ratifying the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (UNCAT), and it plans for implementation.

Commonwealth of the Bahamas
Commonwealth of the Bahamas

Nearly one year after The Bahamas’ ratification of UNCAT on 31 May 2018, this blog underlines the important reasons why the Government decided to become a party to the Convention, as well as efforts underway inspired by the Convention, in particular in the legislative and law enforcement sectors.

The Commonwealth of The Bahamas’ blog is available here.

For States interested in knowing how the CTI can offer support for ratification and/or implementation of the Convention, please contact the CTI Secretariat at  

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