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CTI Police Resource Toolkit

Despite a large volume of international, regional and national handbooks, guidelines and other tools on best police practices, resources on applicable human rights law and standards for the various aspects of policing are still limited. In this light, CTI in partnership with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), develops a Police Resource Toolkit for Professional, Human Rights-compliant Policing to provide practical orientation on how to effectively implement existing international law and human rights standards in policing and law enforcement activities. The Resource Toolkit compiles existing resources and promising State practices on various aspects of policing and is intended to informing police reforms, fairness and transparency in policing and reducing the risks and incentives for torture or other ill-treatment.

The Toolkit is addressed to police officers and other law enforcement officials, lawmakers, policy-makers and government officials in charge of developing and reforming national laws, policies, programmes and practices to professionalise police services and strengthen human rights-compliant policing.

All 20+ Resource Notes will be released on an ongoing basis until 2024. Each Resource Note includes background information on the respective policing aspect, recommended practices and country examples from across the world, as well as key standards, guidelines and practical tools. Additional key resources for each Note will be added to the Key Resource page on a continuous basis.


The CTI Police Resource Toolkit resource notes are also available here in French and Spanish.

CHAPTER 1: Regulatory Frameworks

1.1 Police regulatory and institutional frameworks

CHAPTER 2: Institutions

2.1 Community-oriented policing
2.2 Police academies and training programmes

CHAPTER 3: Human Resources Management

3.1 Rights-based recruitment
3.2 Promotions procedures
3.3 Working conditions, salary and benefits

CHAPTER 4: Stop and Search procedures and Arrest

4.1 Stop and search
4.2 Arrest

CHAPTER 5: Detention and Custody

5.1 Safeguards in police custody
5.2 Transport procedures

CHAPTER 6: Use of Force and Firearms and Policing of Protests and Assemblies

6.1 Lawful use of force, firearms and less lethal weapons, and means of restraint
6.2 Policing protests and assemblies

CHAPTER 7: Criminal Case management and Interviewing

7.1 Interviewing suspects, witnesses and victims
7.2 Investigating offences committed by and upon children
7.3 Investigating sexual crimes
7.4 Case management and coordination of criminal investigations
7.5 How to think like an investigator
7.6 Witness and victim protection

CHAPTER 8: Accountability, Integrity and Oversight

8.1 Disciplinary procedures and internal complaints and oversight mechanisms
8.2 Independent investigation procedures and oversight mechanisms
8.3 Anti-corruption procedures and mechanisms in police services

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